Join our private Facebook group SOS…LIVE! and become a part of an incredible community. When the pandemic hit, Susan’s first thought was that she needed to keep people moving. She immediately jumped online and began streaming classes via facebook live. People all over the world jumped to join in. That facebook group inspired this new membership only group. Here, classes are live streamed four times a week. You can join in from the comfort of your own home yet still be a part of the banter via the chat feature. Your membership also gives you access to nearly 400 prerecorded workouts, simple technique videos, and the support of a group that will keep you motivated, inspired and accountable. We share recipes, helpful tips, funny stories and find companionship all via this private online group. Owner Susan is accessible and available to answer questions and work with you to help you surpass your fitness goals.
These memberships also give you 50% off In Person classes.
All Prices Have Taxes Built In